Helping Children in need since 2020

About Us

Chad Gartzke - Founder

I have always enjoyed woodworking projects and often thought about turning my hobby into a small business.  After making beds for our children and seeing the happiness it brought them, Chris and I started talking about ways we could bring that same happiness to other children.  We came up with the idea to make beds for children who did not have one, which is where the non-profit Sweet Dreams WI was born.  

After quickly realizing that our plan of making beds for children in need was not financially sustainable on our own, we developed a more sustainable business plan.  In this new plan, we would leverage the skills and generosity of others to generate profits that are used to support our mission of helping less fortunate children in our communities.  We have asked people to donate handmade items from their hobbies, such as woodworking, sewing, art, etc. that will be sold through our website to the general public.  The profits from these sales are then used to fund initiatives to help children in need.  The manner in which we help others will continue to evolve, but will include things like holiday gifts, back to school supplies & clothes, and of course our initial vision of making beds for children who do not have one.  We have been overwhelmed by the number of people who have enthusiastically volunteered to help by donating their time, talents, or money to help the cause.  

Whether you are donating time, talents, money, or purchasing an item on our site, we would like to sincerely thank you for helping make Sweet Dreams a reality for children in need!

Chris Gartzke - Founder

I have always felt a strong desire to help those around me. When Chad and I started talking about our vision for Sweet Dreams WI, it was really exciting to think about all of the avenues we could take to make a positive impact in our community. Through the generosity of many people in our lives, we are continually growing our ability to do just that. Thanks to all who are helping make this “dream” a reality!

Brent Hensen - Vice President & Maker

Growing up everything I enjoyed was rooted in building and creating, a skillset and passion that was passed on to me from my Dad.  Whether it was a 4-H project, a task around the farm, or just building with my brothers, I learned the foundations of woodworking through years of creating anything I could imagine. All of this, combined with my love for nature and the outdoors, quickly turned into something that I grew to appreciate more with each project. Taking something so simple and creating a piece that can be so deeply admired by others brings me immense joy.

Today I spend my time working on projects for family and friends, building furniture for our home or lending a hand to others remodeling theirs.  My wife and son are my biggest supporters as much of our house is furnished with recent projects.  This is not much different than the house I grew up in; eating at my family's dining table, using dressers, and sleeping in beds that were all handmade by a family member.  Woodworking is something I enjoy sharing and hope to pass on to my children well into the future.  Bringing together everything that excites me so much about Sweet Dreams Wisconsin and the vision Chad and his family have to ensure every family in our communities are taken care of. 

Jake Schmalz - Vice President & Maker

Like many people I grew up building things with my dad.  Dad’s projects always revolved around his favorite activity, hunting! I helped build everything from treestands and duck blinds to log cabins.  When I moved out of the house to attend college my ability and drive to build projects fell away.    I rediscovered woodworking at the age of 30 as a means to spruce my fixer-upper first home.  I quickly realized that the woodshop is where I found peace, and making wood into furniture and decorative art pieces was a perfect outlet for my creativity.  I’m a proud husband and father and understand the impact that small acts of kindness can have on a family.  I am blessed to be part of the Sweet Dreams family of makers and the positive impact they have on our community.  

Jayce Commo - Treasurer & Maker

Jayce is delinquent on sending us his story, so Sweet Dreams WI will tell you a little about him.

Jayce is one of the most generous people we know and he goes about it in a very quiet way. He’s well known for stopping at a lemonade stand on a busy road to give a kid a large tip, personally buying gifts for families at Christmas, and many more generous acts. He’s also that uncle that all of the kids gravitate to during family gatherings. Whether it’s telling them a joke, showing them a magic trick, or making balloon animals, he’s always putting smiles on their faces. For these reasons, he was an obvious choice to be a part of the Sweet Dreams WI team!

Jeff Gartzke - Resource Coordinator

I grew up in the great state of Wisconsin and from an early age developed an affinity for the community and culture. After graduating from UW the call of the wild overwhelmed me and  brought me to the west where I embarked on a career in outdoor recreation and conservation. My nomadic travels eventually brought me to Oregon where I truly found a place to call home - namely a derelict log cabin that I fully restored and a property that I xeriscaped and cleared of invasive flora. Suddenly finding myself with free time and an abundance of tools I started giving friends and family various handmade wooden gifts. When Sweet Dreams WI became a reality I knew I needed to find a way to help from afar.  When I'm not harassing friends to volunteer, companies to donate materials or for expert professional advice you'll find me adventuring with my canine companion Baylee who many know really calls the shots…