Making sweet dreams a reality for children in need

Our Mission is to improve the lives of less-fortunate children in our community.

Through the generosity of many people’s time and talents, we sell donated handmade items, such as wood working, sewing, art, etc to generate profits that are used to support local youth.  The manner in which we help others will continue to evolve, but will include things like holiday gifts, back to school supplies and clothes, and of course, the project that started it all: making beds for children who do not have one.

How it all started…

Sweet Dreams Wisconsin is the biproduct of our founder’s and board members’ hobby in woodworking and our strong desire to help the less fortunate in our communities.

Ready to take the next step?

Purchase Items - Interested in some high quality handmade goods?

Volunteer - Good at making stuff? Donate hand-made items and let your next project help those who need it most.

Monetary Donations - Help make the world a happier place by contributing a tax deductible monetary donation.

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